Welcome to Wyndham House Surgery

Wyndham House Surgery is committed to high quality, accessible, community based healthcare.  We are a friendly, healthy, hardworking, innovative team who share core values of empathy, trust and honesty, in a harmonious, supportive environment.

Rated “Outstanding” by the CQC (Dec 2015)


Secondary Care Blood Tests

Patients who are having treatment through their local hospital are often required to have regular blood tests. Generally, patients are provided with a label that they bring to the surgery and our nurses will take blood on the hospital’s behalf.

From 30th September this process will be changing. The hospital will provide you with arrangements to have blood taken at another site e.g. Whipton or Tiverton.


Where labels for blood samples have already been provided in advance, the surgery will, of course, honour them.



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NHS – Consultation


Please note that we do not accept requests for repeat prescription items over the phone.


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